REF 8013

els extra low shrinkage® unibond

Light-curing, 1-component self-etching adhesive. Used to create a permanent bond free from marginal gaps between the dental hard tissue and light-curing filling/fixing material. Thanks to the rapid and problem-free preparation at the patient’s side, els extra low shrinkage® unibond is especially suitable for use in children, for whom every minute in the dentist’s chair is a small eternity.
  • Domanstratable Free of TEGDMA, HEMA and BisGMA
  • Very high bond strength
  • Suitable for all etching techniques (non-etch, total-etch, selective-etch, etc.)
  • The most frequently used adhesive by SAREMCO Dental AG

Dr. Uwe Blunck, University Medicine Berlin:

Etch & Rinse: 34.15 MPa
Self-etch: 25.60 MPa

Etch & rinse: 27.78 MPa
Self-etch: 15.12 MPa