Dental Restorative Materials

SAREMCO offers a comprehensive range of high-quality materials for precise and long-lasting dental restorations. From innovative composites with minimal shrinkage to reliable adhesive systems and specialized fixing materials—perfectly tailored for both direct and indirect restorations.

  • els extra low shrinkage® – Free of TEGDMA & HEMA, featuring exceptional marginal integrity, extremely low shrinkage stress, and a wide shade selection for superior aesthetics. The ultimate complete system!
  • apt® advanced polymer technology – Free of TEGDMA & HEMA, with up to 10 times reduced salivary degradation, ensuring long-lasting restorations and a minimized risk of secondary caries. The most biocompatible choice!
  • Fixing & Adhesive Systems – High-performance solutions for secure bonding and long-term stability in every indication.

Swiss Quality by SAREMCO – for uncompromising precision and superior biocompatibility.

peek primer
Without TEGDMA and HEMA
peek primer
zirconia primer
Without TEGDMA and HEMA
zirconia primer
cmf adhesive system
Without TEGDMA and HEMA
Adhesives, Bonding Agents, Primer
cmf adhesive system
cmf prime
Without TEGDMA and HEMA
cmf prime