«saremco print CROWNTEC» is sold in over 50 countries. Based on existing expertise, the team at SAREMCO Dental AG is developing the revolutionary 3D printing material «saremco print CROWNTEC» in cooperation with the University of Zurich.
The high-performance plastics in the saremco print product range are the optimal choice for 3D printing in the dental industry. This includes saremco print CROWNTEC. The results after the 10-year chewing simulation with 2.4 million cycles and thermomechanical load prove the resilience of saremco print CROWNTEC. It therefore has very low fatigue behavior, especially compared to ceramics.
The extensive measurements were carried out according to the principles of GLP (Good Labor Practice) OECD [C(97) 186/Final and ENV/MC/CHEM(98)17] and the standards were more than met: these included various biocompatibility tests such as exhaustive extraction in an aqueous environment (ISO 10993-18), skin sensitization (ISO 10993-10), intracutaneous reactivity (ISO 10993-10), cytotoxicity (ISO 10993-5) and genotoxicity according to the AMES method (ISO 10993-3 and 10993-33). A special feature of saremco print CROWNTEC is that no substances could be eluted in an aqueous environment. This makes saremco print CROWNTEC a very well-tolerated material from an allergological and toxicological point of view.
Digitalization has revolutionized the dental industry: dental laboratories and dental practices are increasingly using 3D printers instead of milling machines. With saremco print 3D printing materials such as CROWNTEC and DENTURETEC, permanent and temporary crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, as well as denture teeth and all types of denture bases are produced.
saremco print CROWNTEC
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